
Hi Friend! Here’s a little bit about us and our blog to help you navigate.

Who’s at the Table:  This section has a little bit about every member of our family and is also where we post pictures and updates on each of our kids activities, accomplishments and personalities.

Recipes:  From a young age we have both enjoyed cooking and finding new recipes to make for us and our family. Billy: My favorite thing to do is to go into the pantry, find what’s there and make dinner. I have also recently discovered a love for bread making, which is a “shocker” considering I could single-handedly close down an entire bakery. Kelsey: I am a bit obsessed with finding healthy, cheap, fast and easy recipes. I am also on a mission to rid the house of processed, prepackaged food (or as Billy says, crap), one item at a time.  We will be sharing our kitchen adventures on this page.

Our Adventures: Here you will be able to track our many adventures, both out and about and at our own home. You can live our success and experience our epic failures as we live life with these three blessings the way God wants us to.

Marriage: Billy: No marriage is perfect, but with the right insights and teachings from God Himself through prayer and His Living Word, we can find the blueprints of what a true friend and lover you can be for your spouse. Kelsey: You always hear people say that marriage takes “a lot of work” but no one ever tells you what that means. So we want to share what “work” means to us. Maybe it will help you and your marriage too.

Billy’s Morning Coffee: You always hear people saying, “Do your daily devotion.” I am sorry, but that phase is boring. I heard a couple of months back about a guy who doesn’t want to do a daily devotion, he just wanted to wake up and have a cup of coffee with Jesus. So, you won’t find my daily devotions, but you will find what God and me talk about over coffee. WARNING: This could get scary…

Kelsey’s Afternoon Tea: With three kids, morning just aren’t the time to “have coffee” with God. My conversations with Him at that hour normally sound more like, “Help me Lord get out of bed.” However, afternoons, when the kids are napping is a great time for me and Jesus to chat. I am so excited to share the things God teaches me during that time.

What do YOU think?